Œuvre mise en vente par Stefanomjr 
En vente - Merwan, Aster of Pan page 23 - Illustration originale

Aster of Pan page 23

Illustration originale
40 x 30 cm (15.75 x 11.81 in.)
Prix : 1 350 €  [$]


So recently got to know and chat with a French collector who turned me on to the works of Merwan and his book Mécanique Céleste. I enjoyed the art enough that I picked the book up on Kindle, got through it in French and then found there was a Kickstarter to translate/publish the book in English (available on Amazon Feb 1, 2021)

After digesting the material in it's original French I had to have a page! I reached out to the artist and we chatted about the book, watercolor and if he'd be willing to sell me some original artwork.

Alizèe, from Huberty & Breyne was a gem to deal with and Merwan made my day by allowing me to buy the pages I really wanted!

This page to me is witchcraft, I've tried my hand at watercolor and it always turned into a watery mess. The top panel is lovely and the bottom panel is gorgeous. I cant get over how he manages to render the underwater effect. I noticed that the dialogue of the original art didn't match with the published page so I asked Merwan about it, here is what he had to say:

(posted w/ permission)

Yes the first change is importante!
« Alors tu te ramènes » means « come on! »
« Alors tu prends racines? » is an expression that means « will you stay there like if you were a plant? »
And that’s Wallis problem, he is not moving in his life and at the end he is trying to suicide him by planting his legs in the toxic solution like a tree.
The difference is that Aster is always in motion.
The second change is not so important but it shows that Wallis is very accurate with the model of the bomb that reenforce there recycling way of life.

Thanks to Merwan for being a great guy and allowing me to be the custodian of some amazing artwork

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A propos de Merwan

Merwan Chabane est un réalisateur de films d'animations, dessinateur et scénariste de bande dessinée français diplômé des arts décoratifs. Il commence sa carrière dans le milieu du jeu vidéo, mais également en réalisant des story-boards pour différentes séries d’animations.