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René Goscinny, Albert Uderzo, Asterix chez les Bretons - Original art

Asterix chez les Bretons

Original art
circa 1986


Celluloïd gouaché original sur copie de décors tiré du long-métrage Asterix chez les Bretons


  • Astérix chez les Bretons
  • Gaumont
  • 1986

See also:   Astérix

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About Albert Uderzo

Albert Uderzo is a French cartoonist and scriptwriter of Italian origin. Along with scriptwriter René Goscinny, he created the Asterix series. Able to draw in very different styles (from the realism of Tanguy and Laverdure to the semi-realism of Asterix), his great sense of visual gags perfectly complemented René Goscinny's talents as a humorist.