In Carlos 's collection
Ambros, Chispita, Los Prisioneros de los Tuareg, pág. 5 - Comic Strip

Chispita, Los Prisioneros de los Tuareg, pág. 5

Comic Strip

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About Ambros

Miguel Ambrosio Zaragoza worked as a civil cervant until the end of World War II. In 1946, he began creating comics under the pseudonym Ambros, starting with 'Dos Yankis en Africa' at Bergis Mundial. In the following year, he conceived 'El Caballero Fantasma' and 'En Jinete Fantasma' at Graphidea. He started working for the publishing house Bruguera in the early 1950s, creating comics like 'Chispita' and 'La Nave del Tiempo'. In 1956, he teamed up with Victor Mora and created the series 'El Capitán Trueno', which appeared in its own title and later in the magazine Pulgarcito. The series was a big hit in Spain, and was drawn by a great many artists in the following decades, such as Martinez Osete, Comos, Nadal and Jésus Redondo. It knew a large merchandising line and was featured in several advertising campaigns. Also with Mora, Ambros produced 'El Corsario de Hierro' in 1977. In addition, Ambros has drawn 'Héroes del Deporte' at Editora Valenciana and several independent stories for Bruguera.